Friday, August 5, 2011

People that inspire you

Megan Fox has been my idol since I first saw her in Holiday in the sun, which was a Mary Kate and Ashley movie, haha. She is my physical inspiration, she is unbelievably beautiful and I wish I could have the confidence that she does. 
Princess Diana is truly inspiring for her natural sympathy for the poor and mistreated. She treated every person with respect and dignity, no matter who they were and no matter what walks of life they came from. She is someone who inspires me every day to be a better person and just accept people for who they are. 

who inspires you?

Monday, July 18, 2011


"Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about." -Marilyn Monroe 

 Things that make me smile
I absolutely love coming home to this smiling face, she is ALWAYS cheesin'. It may look like she is growling, but she's not, she's smiling. 

what makes you smile? 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Things that make you happy

We tend to get caught up in corporate America and chasing paper that we lose sight of the little things we enjoy. What makes me happy is playing my acoustic guitar, I am no Kurt Cobain but it makes me happy. I try to enjoy the little things in life; we get so caught up in the overall goal of success instead of appreciating the moment that we are in. 
What makes you happy? What do you for for fun?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Accepting mistakes

I have been through more then I would have liked to, so far in my life. I have dealt with abuse, depression and addiction. I do not regret anything I have ever done because, it has made me who I am today. The picture above was a day that changed my life forever. I was obviously high in this picture. Even though I was smiling, I was masking so much pain inside. That day I tried ending my life, but a friend saved me. I will always be grateful for her.

What mistakes have you made? How did you deal with them?